Wheat - Preplant Burndown - If previous bean crop not sprayed
Eragon LQ + Merge + Glyphosate | 29.5mL/ac + 0.4L/ac + 1L/ac Equiv. | $16.06 | Emerged (20 leaf) | Simple, inexpensive burndown that uses 2 modes of action, some activity on glyphosate resistant weeds. Faster burndown than glyphosate alone. | Doesn’t provide a lot of residual activity, basically cleans field up going into winter. |
Wheat - Postemerge + T1 Fungicide
Buctril M | 0.4L/ac | $8.35 | No | ONLY OPTION FOR RED CLOVER. Good control of common broadleaf weeds. | Weaker on perennials and harder to kill annuals like chickweed. Not much activity on fleabane. |
Pixxaro | 40ac/Case | $11.43 | Emerged (<15cm) | Very good control of common chickweed, cleavers, shepherd’s purse and vetch. Suppresses Canada Thistle. Very good crop tolerance. Good on Fleabane. | Cannot be used with red clover, no residual weed control. Need at top up MCPA to improve Lady’s Thumb (Smartweed) control. |
Estaprop XT | 0.48L/ac | $8.90 | Emerged | Good broadleaf control and good control of dandelion and sow thistle. Decent on fleabane. | Cannot be used with red clover, weaker on harder to kill annuals like chickweed. |
Enforcer M | 0.5L/ac | $12.65 | Emerged | Addition of fluoroxapyr improves control of tough weeds like cleavers, chickweed, ragweed and smartweeds. Suppresses sow thistle. Wide application window. | Cannot be used with red clover, weaker on ragweed and pigweed. |
Infinity | 0.335L/ac | $11.00 | Emerged (<10cm) | Best option for glyphosate resistant fleabane, good chickweed control. Good control of most broadleaf weeds. | Cannot be used with red clover. |
Stratego Pro | 0.18L/ac | $12.63 |
Headline Amp | 0.202L/ac | $11.85 |
Trivapro | 20ac Pack | $17.40 |
Manipulator | 0.7L/ac | $15.68 |
Moddus | 0.42L/ac | $16.00 |
NOTE: Herbicide efficacy will be reduced as crop stage advances. If you have heavy weed pressure or tougher, early season weeds like chickweed or dandelion, consider separating your herbicide and fungicide into separate passes and apply herbicide early.
Plant Growth Regulators (PGRs) should be used when the wheat crop has high yield potential and is being intensively managed with higher seeding rates, N rates over 120, or with varieties prone to lodging.
Wheat - Preharvest Burndown
Glyphosate | 1L/ac Equiv. | $5.83 | No | Dries crop down for more uniform moisture and desiccates weeds for improved harvestability. | Cannot be used with red clover. Will not desiccate glyphosate resistant weeds. Dry down will take 10-14 days. |
Eragon LQ + Merge | 29.5mL/ac + 0.4L/ac | $10.23 | Emerged (20 leaf) | Can be used to suppress red clover without killing it to improve harvestability with extensive clover growth. | Will set clover back and can be risky. Will not take down fleabane that has bolted through wheat canopy. |
Eragon LQ + Merge + Glyphosate | 29.5mL/ac + 0.4L/ac + 1L/ac Equiv. | $16.06 | Emerged (20 leaf) | Simple, inexpensive burndown that uses 2 modes of action, some activity on glyphosate resistant weeds. Faster burndown than glyphosate alone. | Cannot be used with red clover. Will not take down fleabane that has bolted through wheat canopy. |
**This is a summary of our most popular herbicide programs. Refer to OMAFRA Publication 75 for all weed control options, ratings and rates.