Happy New Year!
As we enter a new year and a new decade, you may be considering what your resolution for the year will be. If you’re a farmer, check out these resolutions; they may help your farm stay in tip-top shape!
Recycle your old pesticide jugs and fertilizer bags.
Most farmers can envision it; their ever-growing collection of old barrels, pesticide jugs, and fertilizer bags. If you’re wondering what facility will accept these products, stop by your local Sylvite Agri-Services location to drop them off! You can clean out your barn and help protect the environment one jug at a time.
Have any old or expired chemicals or livestock medications at your farm? The last CleanFarms pickup was Fall 2019, but if you hold onto them, they’ll be safely disposed of or recycled by Clean Farms when they return to Ontario in 3 years.
Invest in new technology.
We’re living in a new age of technology, and the agriculture industry by-far hasn’t been left out of technological advances. Maybe there’s a program you’ve had your eye on, or an ag startup you’ve seen growing over the past couple years. Either way, make 2020 the year you invest in more technology to help your farm’s operations and efficiency!
Take some mental health days.
With social media shedding more and more light on the stresses that farming can have on growers, it’s important to set aside some time to relax and spend time doing activities you enjoy (maybe some that aren’t farming-related!). Read about mental health initiatives that are being put in place to help farmers here.
Attend more farm shows.
Southwestern Ontario is home to many farm show that showcase the biggest and brightest in agriculture technology, equipment and techniques. So how many farm shows do you usually attend? As well as being amazing learning experiences, farm shows are excellent networking opportunities for farmers and other industry professionals. Check out a list of upcoming agriculture events in Ontario in 2020.
Increase your on-farm commitment to safety.
Is there something on your farm that you’ve been meaning to fix, but just haven’t really gotten around to doing? Maybe there’s a spot on your yard that really could use some more light, or maybe you want to install security cameras around your property. Whatever it is, use this New Year as an opportunity for improvement.
On-farm safety effects everyone and it’s never a bad investment! Here are some farm safety tips to ensure you’re doing what you can to provide a safe and secure work environment!