Staying Safe on Winter Roads

Staying Safe on Winter Roads

December 12, 2019

Safety is always our number one priority here at Sylvite, and we want to ensure that safety is top-of-mind in your life too! As temperatures drop and snow begins to accumulate around us, it’s important to remember to stay alert, know your surroundings, and be prepared for facing blistery weather on the road.

We’ve taken to the internet to gather some tips and tricks to help keep you and your loved ones safe!

Create a Winter Survival Kit for Your Vehicle

Put together a winter survival kit. Your kit might include non-perishable food and water, extra warm clothing, blankets, a flashlight, an ice scraper and any medication that may be necessary in an emergency situation.

Use Kitty Litter for Traction

Keep some kitty litter in your vehicle. Surprisingly, cat litter can get you out of a snowy situation; not only does it proved added weight in the back of your vehicle, which can help your back tires grab the road a bit better in inclement weather, but cat litter can also be used if you get stuck in the snow. Once you scrape snow away from your vehicle, put some kitty litter in front and behind your tires for added traction!

Check Your Tires

Check your tires before you leave your house. They should always be properly inflated. Also, if you have access to winter tires, put them on! If you’re using all-season tires, check the tread; make sure your tires will allow for lots of grip in icy situations!

Keep Your Tank Half-Full

Always keep a half tank of gas in your car. You never know where you’ll end up in the snow; it’s better to be safe than sorry!

Avoid Cruise Control

Avoid using cruise control! Cruise control is an asset when the roads are clear, but can be dangerous in the ice and snow. Better to drive the old fashioned way!

Stay Off The Roads

Just stay home! If the roads are unsafe, don’t leave your house unless it’s absolutely necessary. Staying warm inside with a mug of hot chocolate sounds nicer anyways.

Additional Sources

AAA Exchange