Tips for Harvest

Tips for Harvest

October 8, 2021

Harvest is well underway now, at least as much as the weather will allow it to be. An early start to the harvest season generally means better conditions for getting the crop off the field and fieldwork done, and can mean the difference between good yields and poor yields, just from being able to get the crop through the combine.


Prioritize fields/hybrids for harvest with weaker stalks

  • Use the “Push Test” to scout for lodging potential

Push top portion of plant 6-8 in from vertical in 20 plants from 5 locations in the field

  • Record the % of plants that lodge
  • Consider early harvest if 10-15% of plants are lodged

More important to save yields than save on drying costs

  • 5 – 10% lodging in a 200 BUS/AC crop can cost $60 – $120/AC at current prices
  • Loss would pay for difference in moisture
Your Sylvite rep will have best information on hybrids to target first, and more tips for harvest. Contact Us