Top 10 Reasons to Put Together a Crop Plan

Top 10 Reasons to Put Together a Crop Plan

January 28, 2021

A crop plan is a useful tool that lays out what inputs and operations you will need to accomplish as part of the successful planting, growth, and harvest of your crop. It can come together in many different forms.

Why put together a crop plan ahead of the season?

  1. Identify everything you need and should accomplish before the season gets busy.
  2. Utilize the 4Rs – generate a plan for each field. Make best use of your $$$ for fertilizer, chemical, and/or seed.
  3. Plan out crop acreage and field splits.
  4. Opportunity to learn about new products to see if they fit with your operation.
  5. Analyze what worked last year and what didn’t. Incorporate new tools and data into your operation.
  6. Identify ways to change up practices to reduce incidence of herbicide resistance. If it has worked the last 3 years, may be time to change it up!
  7. Pick up bulk order of inputs early, not when you should be in the field.
  8. Know your Cost of Production.
  9. Great place to start your marketing plan.
  10. Set yourself up with ways to change plan WHEN the change occurs. Pick your top plan now, have a backup ready.

Your Agronomy Consultants and Sales Reps at Sylvite Agri-Services are ready to help you get ready for the 2021 season. Contact us today!