Soy field and soy plants growing in rows, at sunset, soy agriculture

VitTellus Soil Health “Healthy Soils, Greater Profit”

November 10, 2020
Healthy Soils, Greater Profit

A & L Canada Laboratories supports farmers and crop consultants to improve soil health through research, information, soil management recommendations and education.

Traditional soil tests measure the physical and chemical properties of soil, and that is valuable, but soil is a living, dynamic and continually changing ecosystem and requires a more holistic approach with a microbiological component for a more complete soil assessment. By digging deeper into the physical, chemical and biological interactions we can make improved agronomic recommendations for higher yields and greater profit. The biological composition of the soil reflects the presence of disease suppressing and bio-stimulating microorganisms in the rhizosphere.

The A & L Research agronomy team has developed and launched VitTellusâ„  Soil Health which is the next generation soil health test and recommendation package to help farmers and crop consultants make more informed decisions on their application of nutrients and on managing and improving their soil.

VitTellusSM Soil Health Research:

  • A & L has conducted eight years of research focused on identifying and understanding the complex soil microbiological-plant relationship and how it influences nutrient availability/utilization, crop productivity and yields.
  • VitTellus Soil Health analyses compares the presence and abundance of key microbes and the associated plant health parameters in the soil.
  • In soils with a low VitTellus health index, plant and nutrient levels don’t support optimum microbiological levels resulting in lower nutrient utilization efficiency and lower yields.
  • In high VitTellus health index soils, plant and nutrient levels support greater microbiological activity. Plants nurture beneficial microbes increasing nutrient uptake efficiency. With all nutrients in balance you get healthier plants and higher yields.

The VitTellusSM Soil Health test is available worldwide and can be accessed through their website.