UAN 32%

UAN is a liquid fertilizer containing three forms of nitrogen: urea, ammonium-N and nitrate-N.

Product Description

UAN 32% Solution is a nitrogen fertilizer solution composed of urea and ammonium nitrate.

Analysis: 32 – 0 – 0

Properties: Liquid

Application Method

  • UAN solutions are commonly injected into the soil beneath the surface, sprayed onto the soil surface, dribbled as a band onto the surface, added to irrigation water, or sprayed onto plant leaves as a source of foliar nutrition. However, UAN may damage foliage if it’s sprayed directly on some plants, so dilution with water may be needed.


  • The nitrogen in soil applied UAN 32% Solution is rapidly available to plants
  • Liquid fertilizer solutions and fluid fertilizers are popular in many areas because they’re safe to handle, convenient to mix with other nutrients and chemicals, and are easily applied.

Product Availability

This product is regularly stocked at all of our Agri-Services locations: Blacks Lane, Blenheim, Granton, Hensall, Kent Bridge, Mitchell, Norwich, Pain Court, Pontypool, Port Albert, Putnam, Silverhill, and Sunnyside.

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